Digital Arts Guild

  Blender Cheat Sheet Common Shortcuts (Key Bindings)

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PDF:  screen format (white text)

Note: The Industry-Compatible keymap is not recommended because it reconfigures commonly needed key bindings, such as the N key to toggle the Sidebar.

To bind an icon to a key, right-click and choose Assign Shortcut. Don’t forget to unbind those keys from any other shortcuts in Preferences > Keymap.

Viewport Navigation

Pan (track left / right, pedestal up / down)    SHIFT + middle mouse
Orbit   middle mouse
Zoom or Dolly   CTRL + middle mouse
Dolly Forward   + (numeric keypad plus)
Dolly Backward   - (numeric keypad minus)
Frame All   HOME
Frame Selected   . (numeric keypad period)

Viewport Display

Sidebar (right panel)   N
Toolbar Popup (left panel)   T
Toolbar (context menu)   SHIFT + SPACE
Local View (isolate selection)   / (forward slash)
Toggle Quad View   CTRL + ALT + Q
Viewpoint (Pie Menu)   ` (backtick)
Shading (Pie Menu)   Z
Toggle Wireframe   SHIFT + Z
Toggle Overlays SHIFT + ALT + Z


Menu Search   F3
Undo   CTRL + Z
Duplicate   SHIFT + D
Duplicate Linked   ALT + D
Adjust Last Operation   F9
Apply   CTRL + A


Move (Grab)   G
Rotate   R
Scale   S
Constrain to Axis   X, Y, Z
Precision Transform   drag + SHIFT
Snapping (toggle Snap)   SHIFT + TAB
Snap (Snap-To Pie Menu)   SHIFT + S
Affect Only Origins (transform object pivot)   CTRL + . (period)


Select Tool and Selection Mode   W
Select All   A
Select None   ALT + A
Select Inverse   CTRL + I
Add to Selection   SHIFT + drag
Add to Selection and Make Active   SHIFT + click
Remove from Selection   CTRL + drag
Remove Active from Selection   SHIFT + click
Remove Inactive from Selection   SHIFT + double-click


Toggle Edit Mode   TAB
Vertex, Edge, Face modes   1, 2, 3 (numerals on alphabetic keypad)
Toggle Selection   SHIFT + click
Expand Selection (select components between)   CTRL + click
Proportional Editing (soft selection)   O
Select Loop   ALT + click
Toggle Loop Selection   SHIFT + ALT + click
Dissolve Selection   CTRL + DELETE
 or CTRL + X


Brush Radius   F then drag then click
 or [ ] (square brackets)
Brush Invert (Direction Add / Subtract)   CTRL + drag
Smooth   SHIFT + drag


Set Parent   CTRL + P
Clear Parent   ALT + P
Armature Extrude (create Bone)   E


Play / Pause   SPACE
Jump to First Frame   SHIFT + LEFTARROW
Jump to Previous Keyframe   DOWNARROW
Jump to Next Keyframe   UPARROW
Insert Keyframe   I
Insert Keyframe Menu   K
Toggle Dope Sheet / Graph Editor   CTRL + TAB


Mac users:

The ALT key is labeled OPTION on the keyboard.

The CTRL key is labeled CONTROL. The COMMAND key may also work.

By default, function keys are reserved for macOS operating system commands. To use the function keys in Blender, we have two options:

1. Hold the FUNCTION key, labeled FN on the keyboard, sometimes with an icon of a globe. Then press the desired function key, such as F1.

2. Enable the option Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys. In macOS Ventura or later, this is found in Apple Menu > System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts. In earlier versions of macOS, it's in System Preferences > Keyboard.
